Saving CD disc image using Toast
The safest way to send CD audio or CD-Rom content electronically for CD replication is by disc image. A disc image is a copy of a CD all wrapped in one file. Instead of sending the individual songs or tracks all you'll be sending is one file. Once the image file is created, it is best to zip it using Winzip or Stuffit before it is transferred electronically to a FTP.
Here's the step by step on how to do that in Toast (the version we have in this example is Toast 7)
1. First burn a CD and verify the contents are correct.
2. If all is correct insert the CD into the CD-Rom, open Toast
3. Click on Copy tab, Click on File menu and select Save as Disc Image
4. For audio CDs the file extension will be .sd2f, data content CD file extension will be .toast
5. Zip the file using Stuffit or other utility tools for upload
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